Stay up to date with TfL news & updates

Never miss any TfL update
Jun 1 /
It is very important to stay up to date with all the latest TfL notices and communication.
We know that drivers are often too busy to check their emails on a regular basis but TfL may send some very important information that could be easily missed.

We've created this guidance to help you stay up to date with all the latest news.
1. TfL Emails and Letters
Depending on your preferences TfL can send you emails or letters by post. Make sure to check these regularly and remember that if you move to a new address or change your email you will need to notify TfL about this.

Click here to visit the TfL News & Updates section

2. TfL website, notices and news
Tfl's Private Hire website contains a lot of useful information - specifically you want to check the "News and updates" section where you will find all TPH news and road updates. It will not only provide you will all important changes and updates but also with planned road closures or major events which may be very useful.
Another section worth mentioning are the TPH notices and consultations sections where you can find all current and previous TfL consultations.
We recommend checking this on a weekly basis.

3. OnRoute Magazine
Very few drivers know about this but there is a TfL magazine for taxi and private hire drivers called OnRoute Magazine.
It is published every few months and contains a lot of useful information that won't be found anywhere else.

Click here to read the latest issue

4. TfL Taxi & Private Hire Twitter
This is another way to stay up to date with TfL news and updates. We highly encourage drivers to follow TfL TPH twitter account as you can also ask questions and get sometimes faster replies than via email.
You can also see what other PHV drivers are concerned about in the comments section.
Keep your notifications ON, to get the latest updates showing directly on your mobile instead of looking for information on  the TfL's website.
Click here to follow TfL TPH on Twitter

5. Our website :)
We always try to provide a lot of valuable up to date information for private hire drivers. We're mostly focused on SERU assessment and PHV Licensing but will also publish some useful tips & tricks from time to time.